Friday, 24 July 2015

Those Days When ...

When they're sending u
on so many errands but
u want to go and play with
ur friends ... u remember?

Saturday, 8 February 2014

New Music: E NO EASY II Lafty Lad


Here is a brand new song from the founder of 4ni9jaPix.
Made for all. Its a song of Hope.


Thank You!

Completely exhausted on that particular Sunday evening after going through so many important and energy chopping events, my soul, spirit and body new, anew, as dough i hadn't heard the phrase before and unwittingly agreed that 'E NO EASY'.

But at the same prompt, all in me, all around me and afar chorused "You Go Still Make Am" which became more powerful and dominant than the first and bolder phrase 'E NO EASY'. So both, given their obvious relation turned into instant rhythms and melody in my head.

The melody and clear message of re-affirmed hope that 'i go still make am' quickly pulled me out of the pool of thoughts on how hard things had turned in Nigeria and took me straight to the realm of absolute faith, self believe and possibilities.

So i began, began the process of translating this musical idea and re-affirmed hope into its consumable equivalent for the pleasure and motivation of all.

In order not to be selfish with this sweet melody and re-affirmed hope; i wrote, composed and performed this song aptly titled 'E NO EASY' + 'We Go Make Am' as produced and directed by Lagos State University Music Graduate, Mr Wols, MD/CEO of Greenland Music Productions.

This song reminds what everyone should do for success in and beyond 2014.

Enjoy and stay motivated.
Lafty Lad

Saturday, 1 June 2013

Excellent Message Here.....Not Funny

I've had this picture on my phone for quite some time now and whenever I look at it, I see reasons to keep moving no matter what. *Read what is written on it*
The message is as clear as crystal.
God bless whoever made this image.

Its About That Time

How many of this have you had in the last 'One week - One month'?
Its about the time you enjoy it!
God's good to us with nature...